Press Release is the easiest as well as an ideal tool in communications to get the word out on any new announcement or development in your organization. But with journalists receiving hundreds of emails a day and reader’s attention span reducing by the day, making your press release stand out from the clutter is a tough rite of passage for any communications professional.

Rope in your readers with a Killer Headline
A headline can speak a thousand words of your article. Making the headline an eye catcher will create inquisitiveness in the minds of the readers and draw them to give the article a quick read.

Answer your W’s first
Make the first impression on the journalist by answering who, what, where, why and how questions in the first paragraph itself. This will let the journalist know the crux of the press release leading to their better understanding and the possibility of you scoring a follow up story or exclusive are more.

Human angle of the press release
Drafting a quote for your press release can be quite the trick. They bring out the human angle in the release and need to add some value. The quote needs to add more than the content itself to your release. It needs to be a personification of the spokesperson themselves and needs to talk about the central purpose of the press release itself.